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Thursday, May 6, 2021If you have a car wreck, then you might have to file a car insurance claim. Still, one of the side effects of doing so is that your rates might rise as a result of the claim. However, higher rates are not guaranteed after a claim, which is why it helps to be honest with your agent when you start this process. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 4, 2021Everyone knows that spring is a time of beautiful weather, but it can turn dangerous in an instant. Warm fronts can cause an uptick in severe weather, and when they strike, they can do considerable damage, particularly to your car.
Your car is meant to be used outdoors, but that does not make it immune to weather damage. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 29, 2021A business cannot succeed without customer satisfaction, and your goal is obviously to provide expert services and an all-around great experience for your customers. The company that puts its clients first, after all, is certainly more likely to succeed even during challenging times.
Thursday, April 22, 2021With age comes wisdom, and probably a lot of the financial stability that you have longed for throughout your life. Still, getting older means facing the fact that eventually the inevitable will happen. Naturally, you want to make sure that when you do pass away, that you can leave a strong financial legacy to your family. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 20, 2021Most people do not have the money to pay for a new house in-full at the time that they buy it. As a result, they will usually take out a mortgage or other financing to finalize the purchase.
When you finance your home, you will have to repay the loan to the bank over a period of years. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 1, 2021No one wants to get burned by anything. At minimum, a burn is an inconvenient and sore pest that you have to look after. More severe burns can be much more debilitating, even deadly. They’re nothing to take lightly.
Burn risks exist far outside the kitchen. They can even exist in your business in the most unlikely places. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 30, 2021As a small business owner, you might wonder why your commercial insurance premiums are so high. These are non-negotiable parts of your overhead budget, so you naturally want to save as much money as possible on these expenses. After all, if you’re going to pay for it, you want to make it affordable. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 25, 2021Your home’s foundation is the support apparatus for the rest of the dwelling’s structure. As a result, it’s easy to assume that your homeowners insurance will cover any damage to the foundation under all circumstances. However, this is not necessarily the case.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021We’ve all probably heard that we should buy health insurance. However, that doesn’t negate the fact that getting covered can be expensive. Is it possible to choose not to have health insurance? Is this really the best choice to make, even if it is an option?
Thursday, March 11, 2021Being an entrepreneur is no small feat. After all, you are essentially your own boss as you strike out alone and venture into new commercial opportunities. The future is also uncertain, and so many different factors might influence precisely how successful your business might be. READ MORE >>
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